Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Project Countertop Resurfacing

I've spent a lot of time and energy hating my blue laminate bathroom countertops over the last few years. I wanted to replace them with granite, but it's way out of my price reach.

Recently, I came across a local company (Almega Resurfacing) who refinish counter in a granite-like look. It's essentially a resin that goes over top of your existing counters. For a reasonable amount of money I had both my bathrooms redone from the gross dusty blue color to a speckled black granite look.

I was ecstatic. Shiny and black and new.

The next day I went in to stare at them and noticed a smudge mark. I figured it was just dust. Nope, it was a paw print. I looked harder and there were a dozen of them and even some claw marks. Apparently Miss Watson didn't like my new counters.

I immediately fell to the floor crying like a child. When I had pulled myself (mostly) together I called my counter guy and told him what had happened. He was not happy about it but told me he would come try to fix it.

I shut the door and tried not to think about it.

A week or so later he came by and sanded out the paw prints and put another couple of top coats on it and they are all fixed! Even better, he did it free of charge. Here's some before and after pics...

Project Countertop ResurfacingProject Countertop Resurfacing
Project Countertop ResurfacingProject Countertop Resurfacing
Project Countertop ResurfacingProject Countertop Resurfacing
 Project Countertop Resurfacing
Project Countertop Resurfacing

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